All Members Circular - Pay: 2014 and Beyond


Dear Brother/Sister


Head Office circular 2014HOC0335MW reported on the proposal on pay from the Fire Service Employers. The Executive Council considered this issue again at its business meeting in June. It was agreed that it is essential that all members are given an opportunity to debate the issue of pay; the proposal for 2014; and the Executive Council’s plans for the future. It was therefore decided to extend the consultation period until; the end of July. The Executive Council will now meet on 29 July to consider the reports from this consultation.

All Branches should ensure that meetings are held before this deadline to consider this issue. In addition the Executive Council agreed the following Resolution as a recommendation on the issue:

Pay: 2014 and beyond: Executive Council recommendation

The Executive Council notes the proposal on pay from the Employers’ side of the National Joint Council. This offer would mean an across the board increase of 1% on all NJC pay rates from July 2014.

In considering the claim the Executive Council is acutely aware of the various concerns which have been raised by members with increasing anger.

•    Our members have experienced two years of no pay rise followed by pay rises restricted to 1%.

•    This has been at a time when key elements of the cost of living have increased significantly.

•    As a result the living standards of firefighters, alongside those of other workers, have fallen. As was expressed by the union to the Employers, this is unacceptable and unsustainable.

•    Firefighters, including Control members, have suffered increasing pension contributions over the past three years – these have exacerbated the impact of the growing cost-of-living crisis on our members.

The Executive Council has already begun discussions with the Fire Service Employers about the need to address these issues for the longer-term.

•    Our Conference in 2013 discussed a paper on the future of the Fire and Rescue Service.

•    This paper identified that (as members will be well aware) the role of our Service has changed in recent years – as it has throughout its history.

•    These changes reflect the changing risk facing communities and the need for the Fire and Rescue Service to plan and prepare for such changing risk.

•    Our Conference agreed that we would discuss all issues with the Employers, including any issues brought by either side.

•    Within such discussions we would raise issues about proper planning, training, adequate resources – and appropriate pay.

•    These discussions are currently identifying areas suggested by each side for further work and discussion.

The Executive Council is aware that in certain cases, members may have taken on work which is not within the current role-maps. Our aim within these discussions on pay must be that work undertaken should be properly negotiated and paid for. This is clearly not assisted by local arrangements which ignore national agreements or by individual members who take on work, roles or activity which has not been negotiated, agreed or properly paid for. All Brigade Committees are asked to consider these issues carefully, including any local implications. Any approaches from Employers at local level, which might undermine national discussions on pay for the future, must be reported through the structures to the Executive Council.

The Executive Council is conscious of the need to balance these discussions about future pay structures, arrangements and levels with the immediate needs of members for increases in pay. Members are asked to take account of this in considering the situation we face.

Finally, the Executive Council is acutely aware of the ongoing and increasingly bitter dispute over pensions. This dispute is registered with Government Ministers in England, Wales and Scotland. It is not with the Fire Service Employers. Again, members are asked to take account of the importance of this campaign during discussion and debate on the issue of pay for 2014 and for the future.

After considering these various aspects of the discussion, the Executive Council recommends that the increase proposed should be agreed by the NJC and payments made to members. This would not resolve the issue of pay nor address the growing concerns among members regarding falling living standards. The Executive Council will then develop the evidence, data and research necessary to support a claim for increases in pay which properly reflect the work undertaken by firefighters in the modern Fire and Rescue Service. The results of this work and research will be reported to members through our structures and through Conference as part of the preparation for a major campaign to make up any lost ground, improve living standards and deliver pay that reflects the professional role of the modern firefighter.

Members will be informed of developments following the meeting of the Executive Council on 29 July.

Best wishes.

Yours fraternally


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