All Members Circular - Advice Regarding Involvement with the Firefit Project

17 April 2013


Dear Brother/Sister


Various FBU members have been seeking advice at local or national level in relation to the Firefit project.  Firefit is an organisation which is apparently examining issues around fitness standards for the fire and rescue service.   It is currently conducting a study on this issue. Neither the FBU nor the fire service employers are involved in this project.

Fitness is an extremely important aspect of our profession, and it is important that it is treated as such.  It is also very topical at the moment due to the ongoing discussions around pensions and the appropriate pensionable age for firefighters. The FBU has highlighted the risk of capability dismissals which will arise from the current pension proposals, especially in relation to fitness standards.

It is important to note that:
•    There are currently no agreed national fitness standards within the fire and rescue service;
•    There have been no negotiations between the fire service employers and ourselves on this issue;
•    Firefit does not include or represent all fire and rescue services.

In such circumstances it is not possible for the FBU to endorse this project. Fitness and fitness standards are important issues. They should be addressed professionally and systematically. Unfortunately, Firefit chose to embark on the latest project without any discussion with the FBU, the largest professional organisation within the service.

It is crucial that when issues of this importance are to be considered, they must:
•    Be discussed in the right forum
•    Involve the right people
•    Consider all aspects and potential knock on effects in detail.

Currently, these requirements have not been met and there are significant threats to large numbers of FBU members.

The threat of capability dismissals

The recently published review of pension age clearly suggests that capability dismissals may be the only option facing significant numbers of firefighters who cannot maintain the recommended levels.

Our concerns are justified and we are aware that the recent Firefit conference included presentations on legally defensible fitness standards and capability dismissals.

These various issues are of vital importance to our members and are things that we cannot simply ignore. Despite there being no agreed fitness standard for firefighters, several Brigade fitness policies include the threat of capability.   
We have met with representatives of Firefit and made them aware of various concerns, which to date remain unresolved. These include the fact that currently the fire service employers and the National Joint Council are not involved in these discussions. This is despite the fact that there are clear implications for our members' contractual rights.

The concerns we have around the project are extremely serious and remain unresolved. For this reason the FBU are unable to support this project in its current form.

Best wishes.

Yours fraternally


General Secretary

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