All Members Circular - Balloting Arrangements and Membership Records

CIRCULAR 2011HOCO328MW                                                                                 

25July 2011


Dear Brother/Sister


The FBU continues to campaign against the attacks on our service and our conditions. The most urgent of these relates to the various attacks on our pension rights. The details of these are being covered in various other circulars, in the Firefighter magazine, on the FBU website and through local meetings. In May our Conference clearly recognised that industrial action was becoming more likely and urged all members to prepare for this. We continue to discuss the vital matters with Government Ministers, pension officials and others and obviously hope that they will properly take account of our case.

However, despite these discussions continuing it is important that we also make the appropriate arrangements for industrial action. One aspect of this is the need to ensure that every member has the right and opportunity to vote in any ballot which becomes necessary. All Branches are therefore asked to ensure that the membership details for all members (in particular home addresses) are updated and kept up-to-date.

Any amendments should be notified to your Brigade Membership Secretary (BMS) or to another other Brigade Official. For example, members who do not receive Firefighter magazine or bulletins sent to home addresses should be asked to update the record of their home address. The views - and votes - of all members are vitally important as we enter an extremely serious phase of this campaigning. Please assist us by ensuring that all such records are updated and maintained.

Best wishes.

Yours fraternally,


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