STRIKE ACTION – Wednesday 25 September 2013


Dear Brother / Sister


On Wednesday 25 September 2013, FBU members (except control members) in England and Wales will take part in strike action between 12:00 and 16:00 hours.

The English (CLG) Fire Minister, Brandon Lewis, is publicly saying that this strike action is completely unnecessary.  In some ways this is true.  It is unnecessary because we have given central government every opportunity to avoid it.  All we are asking for is for them to come to the negotiating table and to sort out this mess that they have caused by pressing on with the proposals for an unworkable, unaffordable and unsustainable pension scheme.

It is a sad day for all firefighters when the only option left to us is to take strike action, but unfortunately, after almost two years, where we have exhausted every possible avenue, it seems that this is the only alternative.

Taking strike action is always the last resort, and is not a pleasant experience.  It is vital that all FBU members support each other through this time.

Strike action resources

Resources including public leaflets, posters and stickers are being distributed to all branches. The public leaflet is designed to assist you when you are explaining the key points of our dispute.

I am aware that many branches will already have plans in place for the day.  Some of you will have taken industrial action before, but for some, it will be a completely new and daunting experience.   Please make sure that you have discussed the strike action itself and that everyone gets the support they need.

Preparing for the day

It is important that our action is visible, and that people are made aware of our concerns

It is important that we maintain a picket, not just to try and influence people’s views, but to be a focal point for our dispute locally.

Information and advice on picketing has already been sent to officials.  If you require a copy of this, please contact your local officials who will arrange for a copy to be made available.

By now, most brigade committees will have formed strike committees or other mechanisms for planning for the strike. These can take a variety of forms but the most important thing is that your branch is involved and knows what is going on elsewhere.

In the past, firefighters have been very imaginative and resourceful when designing their picket lines and campaign activities.

Most have braziers and seating, while others have shelters in case of bad weather.  Many branches will have made signs showing what the dispute is all about. It is important that Branches are not left isolated. Please ensure you discuss with colleagues at neighbouring branches.

You will probably be approached by members of the public during the period of action. We are sure that all firefighters are confident with the arguments and concerns we have been progressing for over two years. It may be useful to identify a couple of branch members ready to deal with this and use the public leaflet to get a simple message out.

If branches send pictures or videos from the picket lines into Head Office, we will be able to use them for future campaign material.

Members who are not on duty still have a role to play. Colleagues will need your support, so make sure you come along to the picket line.  Please consider attending the workplace to support the walkout.

Some branches will have organised leafleting or lobbying events.  Please get involved and lend a hand.


It is sometimes easier for a branch to organise an event or picket on their station.  Some officers are more mobile and might have more than one work location.  Members should consider attending a station nearby and take an active part in any event they may have got planned.  We are sure all members attending picket lines or campaign activities will be particularly welcomed.

Control members

Control members have not been balloted on this occasion and those who are on duty will work as normal.

Firefighters completely understand that this was a decision taken by the Executive Council and will be very keen to receive messages of support from Control members. Control members may be able to visit the picket line during your work breaks.  Messages of support will be most welcomed.

Members who are not on duty are asked to attend the picket line or other campaign event. Your support is crucial.

Retired members and families

Pension changes have already affected retired FBU members. The change from RPI to CPI reduced the value of the pension benefits over the long term, and was nothing more than a sneak attack on everyone’s pension.

If branch members are in touch with retired members, please encourage them to come along to the picket line or any event and encourage them to get involved. Our members’ families are also affected by these pension changes. Pension is deferred pay and is a fundamental factor in the future plans of all FBU members. The support of family and friends will be appreciated at picket lines or events.

Wednesday 25 September 2013 is going to be a challenging day and is a day that none of us will feel comfortable about. We have worked tirelessly to try and get a negotiated settlement to this campaign and have maintained a professional and measured approach throughout. Unfortunately, we have not been able to negotiate a position that is acceptable and Government remains committed to its unworkable, unsustainable and unfair proposals, despite all the evidence we have presented.

The action we are taking moves us into the next part of our campaign. We all know the task that lies before us and you can be assured that Head Office and the Executive Council is completely united in opposition of these continued attacks on our pension schemes.

It is now time for all members to act. It is important that we all understand how important it is to support each other and stand together.

Unity is strength.

Yours fraternally


General Secretary

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