Fire Authorities told to make commutation compensation payments

Message from FBU Head Office to all members re FBU legal victory for fair commutation:


After lengthy discussions with DCLG we have now been informed that English FRAs have been told that they can start to make payments in relation to the commutation compensation without the need for members to sign a disclaimer. This should at last mean that all the delaying tactics have been exhausted and the payments should be made. SPPA in Scotland had already agreed not to use the disclaimer and have started making the payments already

The actual wording outlining this to FRAs is copied below.

Please pass on this information as widely as possible.



Dear Claim Certifiers – Following up on my previous email below, we are now in a position to provide further advice on the next steps in the process for making redress payments to affected pensioners.


As previously explained, the Government is determined that the principles of the Pension Ombudsman’s decision in the Milne v GAD case should be applied to other affected individuals, which includes a number of former firefighters.  We can now  confirm that redress payments to these affected individuals should be paid by FRAs from their local pension fund accounts. It has also been agreed that due to the particular circumstances in this case, the use of discharge notices will not be required as part of this process.


FRAs are expected to finalise the calculations of the redress payments by the end of this calendar year and be in a position to start making redress direct to affected individuals in early January 2016, with the majority of payments being made by 31 March 2016.  The Department will provide an additional grant to FRAs in early January 2016 so that the payments can be made.  This additional grant will be paid direct to FRAs through the existing mechanism of the Top Up grant – we will provide more detailed guidance on this process shortly.


If your FRA is in a position to make redress payments to affected individuals in advance of the above timetable, please do not let our arrangements delay these payments.


If you have any question please contact me to discuss.


Many thanks




Department for Communities and Local Government

The Firefighters’ Pension Team


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