All Members Circular - Proposed Consultation on 2015 Scheme: DCLG Should Release all Relevant Information

23 May 2014


Dear Brother/Sister


As we reported last week in circular 2014HOC0280MW, DCLG Fire Minister, Brandon Lewis, has informed us that he intends to start formal public consultation on the proposed Firefighter Pension Scheme for 2015. This consultation is now expected imminently.

This raises a serious question as to precisely what will be consulted on and what information will be provided to interested parties. This will obviously include firefighters but will also include MPs, Fire and Rescue Authorities, Ministers in other parts of the UK, as well as interested members of the public. Unfortunately, nobody is currently able to confirm that such a consultation will involve a genuine discussion on all the relevant information and all the factors which should be taken into consideration.

The missing information

FBU members will be aware that since January 2014, union officials – with our technical advisors, have been discussing various detailed aspects of the Government’s proposals. We know that DCLG has undertaken work around various alternative options. We know that DCLG have asked the Government Actuary’s Department (GAD) to cost these various options. We know that GAD has undertaken this work and that it has been paid for (at public expense).

We know therefore that there are a range of options open to DCLG Fire Minister, Brandon Lewis, in relation to the proposals for the future of firefighter pensions. Unfortunately, at the present time, none of this information has been made publicly available, including to other Ministers (in Wales and in Scotland) who will also need to conduct a similar public consultation.

The obvious question which arises is; how can any such consultation (in England, Scotland or Wales) be genuine unless all the relevant information is made available and is considered?

In addition, we have placed on the FBU website a method by which members can lobby MPs on this issue. This is an important aspect of this stage of our discussions and our campaign. Please support us in demanding that any public consultation should consider the full range of options not simply those preferred by Brandon Lewis. Meanwhile, other arrangements are being put in place for the next phase of campaigning. Further information on this will follow and all Regional Secretaries have been asked to attend a planning meeting next week to assist with this.

As a result of these concerns, which have already been raised with Brandon Lewis, the union has written to the following:

•    Roseanna Cunningham, Scottish Government Minister for Community Safety and Legal Affairs.

•    Lesley Griffiths, Welsh Government Minister for Local Government and Government Business.

•    Lyn Brown MP, Westminster Shadow Spokesperson (Labour) on Fire and Rescue Service issues.

•    We have also raised the issue with our own Parliamentary Group through John McDonnell MP.

Email and lobby your MP

In addition, we have placed on the FBU website a method by which members can lobby MPs on this issue. This is an important aspect of this stage of our discussions and our campaign. Please support us in demanding that any public consultation should consider the full range of options not simply those preferred by Brandon Lewis.

This can also be done using the link below:

Further campaigning plans

Meanwhile, other arrangements are being put in place for the next phase of campaigning. Further information on this will follow and again, the planning meeting being attended by all Regional Secretaries next week will assist with this.

Best wishes.

Yours fraternally



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