Rule Book

The FBU has a Rule Book which is updated and amended every 2 years at our Annual Conference. All members have the right to read the Rule Book, which contains information including the aims and objectives of the FBU. For example:

THE IMMEDIATE AIMS of the Fire Brigades Union are to serve its members by winning for them the best possible conditions, and to serve the community by encouraging its members to be skilled at their craft.

THE FIRE BRIGADES UNION recognises that workers, however employed, can only improve their lot by their own endeavours and organisation. A richer and fuller life can be achieved only by similar means.

TO THIS END the Fire Brigades Union is part of the working-class movement and, linking itself with the international trade union and labour movement, has as its ultimate aim, the bringing about of the Socialist system of society.

To Download the complete version of the FBU Rule Book please click here