All Members Circular - Strike Action and Talks over Pensions




Dear Brother/Sister

Strike action and talks over pensions

On behalf of the Executive Council I would like to wish all FBU members and their families a Happy New Year. Unfortunately it already appears that it will be another tough year for firefighters and for the Fire and Rescue Service.

I would also like to congratulate members for the industrial action taken over the recent period. FBU firefighter members in England and Wales took three periods of strike action over the Christmas period; on 24 December, 31 December and 3 January. All members in England, Scotland and Wales (including Control members) also took part in an overtime ban. While most other people were able to take a break from work, firefighters were scheduled to work throughout the holiday period as usual. This time, however many of our members were on strike and were standing on picket lines while other people were able to enjoy seasonal festivities. It is a tribute to the determination of all of you that you saw this through with such unity and solidarity.

In relation to discussions in England, the Union was asked to see DCLG Fire Minister Brandon Lewis on 24 December and again on 6 January. These were reported to the Executive Council yesterday (8 January). Detailed reports will be provided to all Regional and Sectional Committees by Executive Council members.

Further Discussions

MrLewisand his team agreed to set up a series of discussions on the various issues in dispute. Importantly, this includes the issue of ‘scheme design’ for the proposed 2015 pension scheme i.e. the details of the content of the scheme. This includes providing the assistance of the Government Actuary’s Department (GAD). The Union has already sought our own actuarial advice on the issues we will wish to raise during discussions. Some areas of these discussions will inevitably be quite technical and the Executive Council has scheduled a series of meetings to receive briefings and updates.

There will also be further meetings with Mr Lewis himself. We have expressed very clearly the view that time is very tight in view of the Government schedule in relation to public sector pensions in general and particularly the emerging timetable on firefighter pensions. We hope that progress can be made but nothing is guaranteed.

Employee Contributions: Public Consultation

The Westminster Government (DCLG) has been consulting on their proposal to increase employee contributions for a third year running. The Executive Council discussed and agreed a submission from the Union on this issue. This draws on evidence from our actuarial advisors and from the recent YouGov survey. It will be made available on the FBU website as soon as possible. While this submission relates to a consultation for England only, similar responses are being prepared in relation to Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

2015 Pension Scheme: Public Consultation

In relation to the proposed 2015 Firefighters Pension Scheme for England, DCLG have also commenced a further public consultation. This closes on 12 March and the Union has commenced work in preparing a detailed response. This is an extremely important process which requires a great deal of work, consideration and evidence. Our response will be finalised and published in due course.

Other Considerations

The Executive Council is aware of the tight timescale we face in relation to pensions as the New Year commences. There are no guarantees that talks or evidence submitted will result in any movement from Ministers. In that case the Executive Council is clear that the Union would have to return to industrial action and consider all options and all tactics available to us. FBU Branches as well as Brigade, Regional and Sectional Committees are asked to consider the various options which might need to be considered in the event of further industrial action and are asked to ensure that all members are fully involved in such discussions.

The Executive Council is also aware of the need to continue to press on with political and community campaigning and lobbying at all levels. We are seeking to alter the decisions of politicians. That means that we need to exert pressure on politicians by whatever means necessary: legal, political or industrial. Further advice will be issued on political lobbying and all members are urged to participate.

We hope that discussion will lead to progress but ask members to prepare in any case for further action should it be necessary.

Best wishes and solidarity.

Yours fraternally





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